Friday, August 18, 2006

How to make money as a stripper.

Hi there,

My name is Gia and I have recently begun working at a classy gentleman's
club in Australia.

I can hold a good conversation with the guys, however I'm not much of a
hussler and this is where I need some advice. At the club I work at we have
a 3 minute rule which means we chat briefly with a guy and in that time have
to basically ask them whether they would be interested in having a lap dance
with me.

Do I take the direct approach and just introduce myself and ask them
outright if they're interested in having a lap dance and getting to know me
a little better? Or are there some good chat up lines you can suggest that
will help me be unique and stand out from the other girls and have the guys
interested in having lap dances with me?

Any other advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated

xx Gia

Hi Gia. Excellent question! It seems you are already on the right track. Having excellent communication skills is one of the most important factors in determining how much money you will make as a stripper. This is why strippers make such great salespeople. I always encourage women who are retiring from the industry to seek out sales positions. Many find they excel in a sales environment. They are accustomed to the competitive nature of the job, are able to effectively and positively deal with rejection, have excellent communication skills, and are assertive.

We don't have a 3-minute rule here in Houston. In fact, I’ve danced in several cities throughout US and have never seen a 3-minute rulet. However, it sounds like a good concept. I’m just not sure it’s practical. Allow me to elaborate: One common misconception about making money as a stripper is that you have to be beautiful. This is just simply not true. I have seen women who are absolutely stunning make little to no money because they didn’t know how to hustle. Likewise, I’ve seen women who were less physically attractive make tons of money because of their hustling skills. If you are highly attractive that’s a bonus of course, but beauty alone will not make you much money.

Most gentlemen, no matter how beautiful the dancer is will want to get to know her first. Typically this only takes a few minutes. If you work smart it can be done effectively within the 3-minute rule. In my experience, approaching the gentleman and simply asking if he’d like a dance is rarely effective. Some gentlemen will feel defensive and simply say no. Another reason this rarely works is because the gentlemen really do want to become acquainted with the dancer a first. Also, men like variety. You simply might not be his type. Keep in mind: even if you are not his type but spend a few minutes chatting, he will likely warm-up to you and buy a dance anyway.

It sounds like there are two things that need to be accomplished in your situation. The first goal is to make him to want your company for a few minutes. The second is to charm in during that 3- minutes of company. Below are some tips that might help you out.

Tips for making their acquaintance:

1. Walk seductively and confidently up to him, smile big, and enthusiastically ask him if he would like some company. It’s very important you appear friendly and happy. He needs to believe you really want to sit and enjoy his company. Men are intuitive, as well. If they sense you do not want to be there they will pick-up on it. If they sense you have low self-confidence they will pick-up on it. If they sense you anticipate rejection they will pick-up on it. Do your best to rid yourself of any negativity before your approach. You must be convincing. Also, be prepared to face rejection. This is only natural and comes with the territory. It’s part of being a dancer. He may be waiting on another dancer, he may be shy, he may need a drink first, or you simply might not be is type. You can’t win ‘em all. Never take it personally or allow it to get you down. If you ask three gentlemen for their company and they all say “no”, take a break for a few minutes and try again.

2. When you are not busy entertaining the gentlemen, try not to let them see you just sitting around. Men want what other men want. If you are sitting around doing nothing, the gentlemen may assume there is a reason for it. If you can’t find anyone to let you sit and dance for them try to excuse yourself to the dressing room or another part of the club. Stay out of sight for a little while. That way, when you re-appear on the floor or stage they will think you have been busy. If one man buys a dance from you it will start a snowball effect. If you’re absolutely desperate to start the snowball rolling you may even give one special gentleman a free dance. The other gentlemen won’t know it was free. They will see you are busy and want a part of the action. This has been proven to work.

3. When you are on stage try to make as much eye contact as possible. When you look them directly in the eye, especially from stage, they will feel special. Even if they don’t tip, you will stand out as the one who made them feel special. Some men don’t tip on stage because they feel embarrassed standing up in front of the patrons. Always try to notice which men are watching you. Even if they didn’t tip, it couldn’t hurt to approach them anyway.

Now that you have made their acquaintance, it’s time to charm their pants off. No wait… it’s time to let them think they’ve charmed yours off.

Tips for getting the dance:

1. Once you have made his acquaintance much of your success will depend on timing, so use your intuition. All people have it and women seem especially attuned to it.

2. If he seems uninterested in conversation keep in mind he might be intimidated, shy, or simply a poor conversationalist.

3. Always stay positive! For example, if he asks how your day/night has been always enthusiastically reply “excellent!” And in return ask how his day/night has been. When he answers, ask why. Keep him talking. Never complain. Never insinuate that it’s a slow day and you’re not making money. Never tell them you are sick, your dog has died, etc. Always stay positive. I can’t emphasize this enough. Always Stay Positive!

4. The key is to get him to warm-up to you. Flirt, flirt, flirt! He needs to believe he has a chance with you and that you really like him. Below you will find a list of questions and resources which might help him open-up. Some are typical and some are not. The answers are virtually irrelevant. The important thing is he is talking and you are communicating. People love to talk about themselves.

5. Once he opens up and feels comfortable it’s time to ask for that dance. Politely explain the club has a three-minute rule and you are not permitted to stay any longer without dancing. Then smile big and seductively while saying something to the effect of “ready for a spectacular dance?” Again, remember rejection is simply a part of the job. If he says no, politely tell him you are not permitted to stay any longer and if he changes his mind you’ll be happy to come back and give him that spectacular dance. Smile, excuse yourself, be grateful you only lost three minutes and move on to the next one.

If you are going to be a good conversationalist you will need to be knowledgeable about many different subjects. Always learn new things. Continually educate yourself. You don’t have to be an expert, but you do want to have a base knowledge of as many topics as possible.

Some basic conversation starters: (These may seem dull and unoriginal, but they do work.)
Where are you from?
How long have you lived here?
Where did you grown up?
Where did you go to school?
What was your major?
What do you do for a living?
What do you like to do for fun?
If they say they travel a lot, ask where to and what their favorite travel locale is.
What sports do you like? Try to stay up to date on this.
What do you do in your spare time?
Bring up something funny that happened to you.

Fun sexy questions to get him in the mood for a dance:
What turns you on?
What is your favorite position?
Use your imagination, be creative. If you’re comfortable talking sexy and the situation seems ripe for it, go for it!

What not to ask:

Stay away from taboo subjects; such as politics and religion. If they want to talk about these subjects great. Stay educated about them just in case. Typically, they do not want to talk about work and family. They are usually there to escape exactly that part of their life. Always try to ask open-ended questions; which can not be answered with a monosyllabic yes or no response.

Here are some good resources for conversation starters:

Some very unique questions:

First date conversation starters:

Keep it light:

Note: If you are still having no success and you feel like conversing with the gentleman is like pulling teeth, perhaps he’s simply a dud. Remember, you can’t make money if you don’t ask. Ask for the dance. If he says no, move-on to the next one. I hope this was of help to you. Best of luck! I’d love to know how it works out for you. Please keep in touch. Andi.


Anonymous said...

Girl, I have so much advice for you; it is so easy. Your first move is to sit at the bar by yourself because you are more approachable that way. Secondly, watch what other people are doing. Look at who is looking at you. Walk by him and give him The Look, but be headed somewhere else.IE bathroom, whatever and touch his shoulder walking by. Notice the way he is sitting. Legs open, arms unfolded mean approachable.Eyes looking around are seeking posative attention from the right person. Thirdly, introduce yourself and then compliment him. Guys like compliments too! After that, sit next to him or on his lap (whatever makes you comfortable and the law allows) and talk softly so he can't hear you over the music. He will naturally put his ear to you and everything is sexier in the ear. This is the time when you ask him where he is from.This lets you in on his perception of strip clubs, how much touching he is used to, and how much he expects to pay. Keep him talking about himself to keep yourself a little mysterious and make the conversation go a little sexual by the third song. It will put his mind where it needs to be and make him think about dancing. Try to let everything be his idea. There are very good flirting tips in Cosmo too.

Monsieur A said...

Andi, I thought that was very detailed and I learned a lot. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your tips!! I just got my first dancing job and you have no idea how much your advice had made me less nervous already! I really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog!

Anonymous said...

If you want to know everything in a step by step way on how to make 100k+ as a stripper - go to

Anonymous said...

Love these tips. Very helpful! I am new at dancing, so I will definitely use them. We need more blogs like this!

Anonymous said...

This was great. I've been dancing for just over a year now. Some of these things I do and others I will begin to use. Very informative.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andi,
I saw your online question response to 'Gia' and found it both informative and quite useful.. My girlfriend also dances here in Aus and although she loves her job she is now looking for some more work during the days.. I was just wondering if you had any advice on how to use her current position to "fluff up" her CV?
She wants to get into a retail position but is worried that if she was to put her dancing history onto an application then she may not be taken seriously or be shunned by those who are not accepting to the sex industry... As you stated in your letter to 'Gia', I honestly think that retail or sales would be a great "day job" as her closing is perfect.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated..

Unknown said...

This post is not being answered anymore, so if you would like your questionas answered and a more up to date blog, visit
There youc an ask experienced stripper questions and they will be answered

Kitty said...

Thank you SO MUCH for your tips and information. I just started at an upscale gentlemen's club where most of the girls there have 2-5 years experience and thus hustling is very competitive, especially with the recession and the 3:1 girl to male ratio. My second day (today) I didn't get any lap dances in my 7 hour shift, and am definitely in need of tips. Most of the girls say they establish regular customers to make the most money, so I found your idea of offering a free lap dance a great idea... Not only will it give me experience in dancing, it will make the guy feel special. I can also see where I went wrong... I mainly asked about their work, sat around while the other pro girls hustled, and was very tired. Also, the advice posted by the last anonymous girl gave excellent information too. I will use all these tips next time, after a good nights' sleep. Thanks so much again!!!

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精神年齢 said...


童貞卒業 said...


熟女 said...

熟女だって性欲がある、貴方がもし人妻とSEXしてお金を稼ぎたいのなら、一度人妻ワイフをご利用ください。当サイトには全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からと決めております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください

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素人 said...


メル友募集 said...

最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ 連絡待ってるよ☆

how to become a stripper said...

I have learnt some things here...thank you....another great place is Jessicas 7 Step strip success ....she is one of the highest earning strippers and teaches us girls

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家出 said...


動物占い said...


家出 said...


セレブラブ said...


夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪

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家出 said...


人妻 said...


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Nicole said...

Hey,my name is Nicole,and i just started to work like a stripper but i'm kind of shy,could you send me a few good tips for me,to make money??Thank's,Nicole

Nicole said...

Hey,my name is Nicole,and i just started to work like a stripper but i'm kind of shy,could you send me a few good tips for me,to make money??Thank's,Nicole

Anonymous said...

name is from new jersy.i lost everythin includin my home after my husband left me and my little im a dancer n thanks to this job i was able to get a 1 bedroom aparment the i share wit my baby.i been throug so much in life we were married for 8years.i have a problem makin money cuz im very simple.i dont know what to say to very shy i really can use some advice.i want to get a bigger aparment n give my little girl a gread bedroom where she can have all the toys she far as her father.he left me the house but my 8hr regular job did not pay the morgage which was 2250plus the bills.n the funny part about all this is the he left me for my best friend which is a stripper just like me but im also greatful 2 have my baby.please any1 outthere i beng u to please help me with some good tips in how to make some not ashame to beg a good dancer for some good advice.i know not all dancer are like my xbest baby n i thank you for takin ur time in readin my comment.thanks..

Carmen said...

name is from new jersy.i lost everythin includin my home after my husband left me and my little im a dancer n thanks to this job i was able to get a 1 bedroom aparment the i share wit my baby.i been throug so much in life we were married for 8years.i have a problem makin money cuz im very simple.i dont know what to say to very shy i really can use some advice.i want to get a bigger aparment n give my little girl a gread bedroom where she can have all the toys she far as her father.he left me the house but my 8hr regular job did not pay the morgage which was 2250plus the bills.n the funny part about all this is the he left me for my best friend which is a stripper just like me but im also greatful 2 have my baby.please any1 outthere i beng u to please help me with some good tips in how to make some not ashame to beg a good dancer for some good advice.i know not all dancer are like my xbest baby n i thank you for takin ur time in readin my comment.thanks..

Savannah said...

I wish this article would have been written when I first started dancing lol...very well written. Spot on the mark.

Alana xo

P.S Maybe you could write an article on stripper courtesy? It seems that alot of new dancers have no clue as to what is acceptable behaviour.

lanicanegra said...

I am new to dancing. How do I over come shyness and gain more confidence in approaching men?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is about guys in my area, however what would you do about the kind of guys who are way to touchy feely, guys who want more than I am willing to give, but still make money. I usually walk away, and let the whores of the club take over, but then I lose out. How could you get there money without them, touching, and wanting to follow you home.